Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2 + 2 = 5

"TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Florida education officials voted on Tuesday to add evolution to required course work in public schools but only after a last-minute change depicting Charles Darwin's seminal work as merely a theory.

Bending to pressure from religious conservatives, the State Board of Education on a 4-3 vote included the "theory" language as part of a retooling of the state's science standards for public school education."

Le sigh.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I _should_ be doing my physics homework

but then i couldn't bring to you all of the awesome things on the internet!

To: Disney
Re: My unfortunate home life

Dear Disney,

I am writing to apply for a position as anything with your company. I don’t care if you have me parking cars. Yesterday was the three month anniversary of looking for work, and my dad says that I can’t find a job because I’m not a gay crippled immigrant, so you can understand why it’d be nice to move out.

Joey Comeau.



When i display images in my posts using IMG SRC the images get truncated, i cannot solve this and it is driving me crazy.

In other news i'm moving to Chico in May to continue this Electrical Engineering biznass.